Do you want to learn more about gardening and the environment, all while helping others? The VCE Extension Master Gardener (EMG) program might be for you! As a volunteer, you’ll meet others that share your interest, learn more about gardening, and help our area’s residents by volunteering in the community.
Class of 2025
Information about the next training class will be available early spring. Subscribe to our email list to get notified as soon as information is available.
VCE Master Gardener Trainee
You’ll start the program in a training class with a minimum of 50 hours of education on a wide range of topics, including pruning, integrated pest management, botany, soils, insects, and native plants. You will also learn how to find and use research-based sources and interpret information to area residents.
Class instructors are VCE faculty and staff, university professors, industry experts, and experienced fellow EMGs. Depending on the format, classes may meet in person twice per week or follow a hybrid format of some in-person required classes supplemented with online modules and in-person workshops/labs.
VCE Master Gardener Intern
After the trainee class, you’ll graduate to Intern, when you will complete 50 hours of hands-on volunteer service within 18 months. You’ll work with other EMGs as you complete your service in a range of VCE projects that serve all age groups and topics of interest. As an Intern, you will never volunteer alone; you’ll have EMGs beside you to help you learn how we research client problems and provide community education.
Certified VCE Master Gardener
Once certified as an EMG with at least 50 hours each of project and initial education time, you will continue to volunteer in your community in the areas that interest you most. Annual re-certification requires at least 20 hours of volunteer service and at least 8 hours of continuing education.